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Live In Fitness – Your Island Fitness Retreat

If you’ve seen the movie Cast Away, you know that it’s about a man who survives a plane crash and ends up alone on a desert island. He manages to barely survive for several years and becomes so desperate that he befriends a volleyball.


His desperation grows even deeper to the point that he decides to kill himself because he will never be there with, and for, his loved ones again…and no one is coming to help him. When he realizes his suicidal plan won’t work, he builds a raft and braves the open sea with no land, help, or hope in sight.


If you battle with weight, this is your story…maybe not be as melodramatic if you need to tone up or lose a couple of pounds, but if you have a severe problem, the tale is very familiar — you feel stuck and separated from the world; fad diets and false promises show up like ships, then pass you by.


Your hope for change disappears over the horizon, leaving you feeling more desperate, alone, and hopeless than ever before. You are in a miserable, lonely place that you can’t escape…and even worse, you can’t imagine being anywhere else because you’ve been stuck there too long and had your hopes dashed too many times.


You could consider braving it on your own, but you have no way off and no idea where to go. If this is you, the news is good. We can get you off of that island, but you have to come to ours first.


What is our island?

It’s a lot of things. It’s a fitness retreat, a weight loss getaway…call it a fat camp if you want, although we don’t use that term. The best way to describe Live in Fitness is to say that it’s a magical place full of people like you who need help and people who want you to succeed more than you want yourself.


Does this mean that you’ll get off the boat, step onto shore and the pounds will instantly melt away? Of course not. That’s not magic, that’s impossible. The magic isn’t pounds disappearing — it’s the way you’ll feel after they’re gone. It’s the feeling of accomplishment you’ll have when you look in the mirror.


It’s the feeling of confidence and pride you’ll have when you walk down the street in an outfit you could never have worn only months before. But the most magical feeling of all is the joy and pride you’ll see in the faces of those who love you the most.


How do we give you that joy?

This isn’t magic at all — it’s a combination of your hard work, our hard work, and a formula for success that has changed the lives of thousands of people. It’s a well-thought-out and scientific (but not in a boring way) approach to, not only taking off pounds but also (and most importantly) developing habits that will ensure you keep them off for good.


Great. Now how do we get you off your island? We start by building your boat…a.k.a. your behavioral profile. We want to know and want you to know, how you ended up on your island and what you’re doing that’s keeping you there.


And yes, it goes much deeper than overeating not exercising. We must know how you’ve lived your life and related to your body in the past, so we can accent your strengths and overcome or eliminate weaknesses. Bottom line…if we know how you got there, that will go a long way toward helping you get free.


We need a map.

After we have the boat, we need a map. This is a detailed and scientific (otherwise it won’t work) map of where you are right now. Like DNA, everyone’s map is unique, so we have to know everything we can about where we are right now.


This means we’ll have to do a variety of important tests, so we’ll know the exact place we’re going, which is the place you want to be: the best possible you.


Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing

It is the most accurate and technologically advanced method available to determine your body fat percentage. We have to make sure what you are losing is pure fat and not the lean mass that you lose on most diet programs.


Also, we ensure that your metabolism is speeding up for the long haul… the faster the metabolism, the faster the inches disappear!


Your Posture Alignment is very important for many exercise plans, but if you have not worked out in a while you may very well have postural problems. Once we have evaluated your postural alignment, we can then create an exercise plan to help correct your posture and any problems associated with it.


Your Resting Metabolic Rate determines how quickly you burn calories. We test your RMR when you arrive at the resort so that we can determine how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be consuming in each of your meals from day one.


This also helps your coach to implement the correct exercise program to speed up your metabolism. Then we’ll keep testing your RMR so that we can adjust your portion sizes as your metabolism changes due to your new healthy lifestyle.

This means you always get exactly the calories you need based on how many calories your body is burning.


Your Real Body Age isn’t several years that you’ve been on the planet. It’s a measurement of how at risk for disease you are, compared to the average person. For example, you could be 35 years old, but just as at risk for heart attack as a 65-year-old. That would mean that you’re real body ages 65, not 35.


Our VO2 Max Testing let’s as know how much oxygen your body can transport and utilize when you exercise. This is an excellent measurement of your physical fitness. This is important because the more efficiently your body uses oxygen, the harder you can safely work out.


We need to know our Blood Pressure because that determines how strenuously we can work out without putting too much of a strain on our cardiovascular system.


We perform a Gait Analysis of how you walk and run. If your gait is off too much, running or related exercises could put you at a heightened risk of injury. After analyzing, we can design a program for you and correct any problems.


That is the science behind the magic, and it’s only the beginning. There are also the all-important nutrition and exercise elements to our program. The real magic happens when you learn, work hard, make friends, And most importantly when you wake up one day and realize that you are no longer stranded; you’re no longer desperate, and you know that there is no way you will ever go back to that place where you thought you would die…but first you have to come to Live in Fitness™.

Ready to transform your life? Call us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! Our team is eager to support your journey to wellness. Don’t wait, start your transformation now!


Contact us today to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s work together to turn your visions into reality. We’re ready to support you every step of the way.


Don’t wait for tomorrow—reach out now and let’s make your dream self a reality!


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