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fat camp


Congratulations to our “Client of the Week” Matt, he lost 9.6 lbs in one week at LIF.
Matt is from Pasadena, California and works as a video game designer. Matt was always an active kid, biking daily and trying out for different sports throughout school.  


Unfortunately after sustaining a debilitating knee injury, Matt became less active and started to put on the weight, gaining the majority in the last two years due to stress eating.  


With the constant aggravated knee injury and the weight gain, Matt became lazy and fell into a state of depression. Matt needed to lose weight and regain a sense of himself once again and find activities and hobbies he enjoyed. 


He decided to make a change and retake control of his life so made the call to Live-in-Fitnes’s fat camp.


When asked why he chose this program?

I chose Live in Fitness because it checked  all the boxes I was looking for a fat camp to make a difference in my life.  I wasn’t really sure what to expect but it has proven to be better than I could have ever  anticipated. 


I am happy with my progress so far and have continued to lose weight and build muscle mass each week. I still have to reach my ultimate goal  but I feel better, have more energy, endurance & strength and feel a difference both physically and emotionally. 


The programs formula for food intake (when and how much) and knowing how to set daily calorie goals have been educational, insightful and effective.  The staff have been really supportive and encouraging. 


They were even there to support me when I was in a rough place mentally and helped me see a side of myself I was blind to. I have become happier in my outlook and regained some confidence. I feel like I have direction in  my life and it’s back on track and a path I am excited to explore.


When asked what advice would you give to others looking to make a lifestyle change?


My advice would be to take it seriously. You will get what you put in. So if you decide to commit then fully commit.


It’s never too late to turn your life around.

Inspired by Matt remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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