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Client of The Week, Norma!


 Live In Fitness


Congratulations on Client Of The Week Norma! Norma lost a total of 9.5lbs in fat mass and a 1.25lbs increase in lean mass within 1 week!


Q: How did you come about Live-in-Fitness and first meet Eric?

A: I found out about Live In Fitness by searching the web for something like the show “The Biggest Loser.” I had no idea Live In Fitness existed! I found what I was looking for.

Q: Where are you from?

A: I am from Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 

Q: What is your career?

A: I am a paramedic, I will be starting nursing school in the fall. 

Q: When did you notice a weight pattern or change if it applies?

A: It honestly felt from one day to the next because I didn’t even notice it but I want to say probably about 2 to 3 years ago. I woke up one day and It was just hard to move around and do daily activities. I feel like it has progressively gotten worst ever since.

Q: How did it make you feel/or affect your lifestyle?

A: I never thought I was in shape. We would eat all the time. I remember getting out of the water and feeling more hungry. Not following a healthy diet made it difficult for me to maintain my flexibility. 

Q: What were your biggest struggles?

A: Not being able to move the way I wanted to.

Q: What did you expect when coming here to LIFE? then & now?

A: The only thing I wanted was movement. Being able to move and do things as a normal person would. I honestly did not expect to lose as much weight as I have!

Q: How do you feel about your progress?

A: I feel so much better! I really do. I feel like it’s almost day and night from when I started to now! I know I still have more to go but this has set me up to go the rest of the way!

Q: What so far about the program has worked for you?

A: I used to be outside all the time growing up being in the water as well as even being called fish as a nickname. Starting my days with the hike every day at Live In Fitness, has helped me get a chance to do lap swims! It takes me back and reminds me of the things I used to love to do. Whether it was diving, fishing, or surfing. I’m glad I got the chance to enjoy the activities here at LIF.

Q: What is your opinion on Eric’s philosophies and approach to fitness and coaching?

A: Even being in the medical field I noticed it’s a very different approach than what I am used to. It’s like “What? Aren’t you suppose to eat less to lose weight?” That approach and the way Eric has his program down works! You can see it and feel the difference! 

Q: What do you look for in a coach?

A: Someone who is accountable. Who can make me accountable that is one of my struggles. I also, look for someone who is positive. I can’t have someone who will be negative or passive-aggressive. 

Q: What is your favorite class? What have been your favorite dishes?

A: I still have to say hikes in the mornings. All of chef Jason’s cooking is delicious but I still dream about his breakfast nachos! I took like 20 pictures of that dish!

Q: What advice would you give others contemplating attending the program?

A: I would advise others to try the program for at least two weeks! Also, bring everything on the list with you! 

Q: What advice would you give to others? Quote? Statement?

A: “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errors and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

—Theodore Roosevelt

Inspired by Norma’s remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!

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