Oliver's Inspiring Transformation at Live in Fitness

Welcome back to another wonderful result week we have for this fellow. Oliver Standring, 32, an implementations specialist in education, from Los Angeles, California has come to Live in Fitness for a reset.
Oliver has had a tremendous week, putting in substantial effort each and every day. His results are a true testament of what hard work gets you. Here is his story.
Oliver goes way back to his early teens as to how he came about Live in Fitness and meeting Eric, president, and founder of Live in Fitness, for the first time, “I met Eric over 20 years ago, when I was a kid. I was part of his bootcamp, Camp Technique. I was 12 and over 200 pounds.
He worked with my mom, and they decided to put me in. I got into shape in two years by going to this camp three times a week. Ever since, we kept in touch. Every once in a while, I am able to come back and get the reset that I need, both physically and mentally.”
Oliver explains his challenges facing inconsistency, “I came back this time because over the last nine months, I was putting on weight. I was inconsistent. I was lucky enough to have time and to be in a program that works.
During this course of time, I felt I was becoming temperamental and unmotivated. I didn’t have energy to jump back into the saddle and do what needs to be done. I was borderline spiraling.
I wasn’t representing myself in a positive way. I was interpreting people’s words in a different way, out of context, perhaps. I had really bad anxiety.”
“My biggest struggles were consistency with food and working out. My work was all over the place. Not having that set time to myself made it into an even worse habit. Something always came up when I wanted to go to the gym or to better my life. I also enjoyed having my big meals.”
Oliver shares his expectations about attending Live in Fitness, “I expected results. Now, I expect everything that I mentioned. I expected the accountability from everyone and from the staff. Everyone is trying to help each other out.
The environment proves to be successful for everybody due to having set times for specific classes, having your meals prepped, and making sure everyone is workings towards the same goal that you are.
This environment is conducive for success. Your eating and your exercise are programmed for you and the atmosphere is good for your mental health. All the tools that are given to you, while you are here, can help you stay successful when you go back home.”
Oliver is impressed by his results, “My progress is very good right now. I am happy with where I am at. My fitness goal is to be 15-20% body fat. I have another two months to get to that goal, but I came here and got the jumpstart that I ultimately wanted. This program is my reset button.”
While there are different factors of why this program is so beneficial for anyone and everyone, Oliver shares what really worked in his favor to getting awesome results, “The program works because everything works together.
Whether it’s the type of workouts of the food that’s been cooked, the schedule, it’s all built off of each other to produce a great program. I am doing everything that I’ve been told, and it’s been refined over 25 years to be successful. When you go off the program and do things that you might think that won’t know you off, it will.”
Oliver explains his opinion on Eric’s philosophies and approach to fitness and coaching, “I like it. It is honest. It’s direct. It is well laid out. It is explained well. Well-articulated. It is a long-term solution, not a quick fix.”
As Eric has been a great mentor for many clients over the past years, Oliver is grateful for Eric’s guidance in his life, “He’s giving me a lot of life perspective. Lot of information and knowledge. I owe a lot to him.
He got me In shape when I was young. He made it possible for me to make it through my teens, 20s, and 30s. So, I think that with his mentorship, I was able to accomplish more in life, that I wouldn’t have been able to on my own.”
The program for Oliver has been a blast, “I enjoy the positive energy that everyone brings. The workouts you can do anywhere but the general culture, right now, is very positive. It’s a great reset and it’s a greaty way for people to learn about well-being and wellness.
You get what you give. My favorite classes were all the sports played outside, such as the total body assault (TBA), tennis, and basketball. My favorite dish by far was the Thai peanut sauce chicken and rice bowl.”
As Oliver is approaching his last week here next week, he gives a lasting piece of wisdom to those that are still contemplating the program, “Make sure that you have a good plan for how to pace yourself. Do your best.
Try and take as much information as you can. Ask questions so when you go home, you take what you’ve learned here and practice it in your everyday life.”
Inspired by Oliver’s remarkable transformation? Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start seeing the results you deserve. Make the first move towards a healthier, happier you by calling us today. Your journey to transformation begins now!