Why a Fitness Camp is Better Than a Gym


Obesity in America Every human being on this planet is different. We may share some of the same traits, aspects, organs, but no single person is alike. Everyone has a different frame of mind, which in turn affects the way one plans and one’s ambitions to achieve goals. Each one of us has a unique […]

The Hidden Superpowers of Sweat: 4 Mind-blowing Benefits of Fitness!

How Fitness Improves Our Lives

Typically when thinking about improving our health and fitness we tend to imagine the end results as it pertains to our physical appearance. Whether it’s shedding a few pounds, body building, or trying to eat better most of us envision a better looking person in the mirror at the end of the day. What a […]

5 Of The Best Carbohydrate Substitutes!


We are constantly bombarded with the carbs we love. How can we cut off such delicious carbs without falling right back into these unhealthy yet pleasurable meals? Whether it’s pasta, bread, rice, pie crust, cakes,  etc Sometimes our favorite meals are typically filled with an unhealthy amount of carbs. Here are 5 ideas for healthy […]

New Year’s Fitness Resolutions!


Happy New Year!! Its that time again. New year. new you! It’s time to make our resolutions to being happier, healthier, and more disciplined. We’re here to help and have 5 great tips to help you reach your New Year Goals. 1. Be ready! Make sure your mind and body are ready for whatever fitness goals […]

What is Sugar? And Can We Cheat it?


What is sugar? Sugar is a carbohydrate. If it ends in a “ose,” it’s gonna be a sugar.  If that’s all you’d like to know, feel free to move onto the next section, as I’m about to get all Mr. Wizard up in here.There are different kinds of sugar, starting with simple sugars (called monosaccarides) like glucose, fructose, and galactose. […]

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