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5 Of The Best Carbohydrate Substitutes!

Healthy carb substitutes for a better diet

We are constantly bombarded with the carbs we love. How can we cut off such delicious carbs without falling right back into these unhealthy yet pleasurable meals? Whether it’s pasta, bread, rice, pie crust, cakes,  etc .


Sometimes our favorite meals are typically filled with an unhealthy amount of carbs. Here are 5 ideas for healthy carb substitutes to make everyone’s daily carb intake a bit easier.


Brown rice for white rice

Brown rice is much healthier and natural than white rice. White rice is stripped of it’s an outside layer. Removing important nutrients, namely fiber.

Turnip mash for mashed potatoes

While one cup of mashed potatoes adds up to about 180 calories. A cup of mashed turnip has only 51 calories. It also doesn’t need all the extra ingredients to give in the desired consistency. Use some natural herbs in place of salt and pepper for extra nutritional benefits.

Rolled oats for breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are in a lot of holiday dishes. Adding whole wheat rolled oats is a good way to cut out that extra little bit of sodium that comes with breadcrumbs at our islands retreat.

Pita for bread

If you can avoid sliced bread all together Pita is a great substitute. It’s much healthier and has higher nutritional value. It’s more filling than traditional sliced bread while eating fewer carbs.

Whole wheat bread for white bread

If you insist on sliced bread or are serving rolls opt for whole wheat rather than white bread. It’s healthier and tastier. You lose a lot of nutrients in the process of creating white bread. Any time you have the option of whole grains they are usually the better choice.


Best part is that these substitutes are much easier for you to digest. Carbs are dangerous for our diets and need to be cut down as much as possible. These versions will help make every dish a bit healthier.



If fitness is big on your list this year and you decided that your new year’s resolution is a complete life & body makeover, and if you want to start making big changes and see some fast results, come to our vacation fitness camp. 


You will be getting expert training at Live in Fitness. Make sure to check out our AMAZING SALE! Act soon as we have limited spots available. Our clients are trained from the top fitness guru’s in the world, and let’s not forget the tastiest customized meal plans from our expert nutritionists at our islands retreat.


Live in Fitness!!

If you’re inspired to take the first step towards transforming your life, reaching your fitness and weight loss goals, and unlocking the power of positive visualization, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s work together to turn your visions into reality. We’re ready to support you every step of the way.

Don’t wait for tomorrow—reach out now and let’s make your dream self a reality!


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