Spicy Food Can Speed your Metabolism ?

Live In Fitness – Metabolism Fat Camp

In the past, there has been a lot of talk about whether spicy food speeds up your metabolism or not and after several studies scientists have come to the conclusion that it does.  It can accelerate your metabolism by  8 percent over your normal rate which is not bad since it’ll have an immediate impact on you digestion . It will generate heat in your body which will help you burn more calories. Of course, every body is different and the effect might not be the same but the only way to find out is by trying.

Join Andie Leon in the making of Enchiladas at Live In fitness fat camp, a very nutritious way to escape from the conventional ways and keep it healthy at the same time.

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Live In Fitness – Metabolism Fat Camp In the past, there has been a lot of talk about whether spicy food speeds up your metabolism or not and after several studies scientists have come to the conclusion that it does. It can accelerate your metabolism by 8 percent over your normal rate which is not bad since it’ll have an immediate impact on you digestion s LIF.

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