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Fat Camp I lost 205 pounds

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Chris lost 205 pounds at fat camp. My Grandma wanted me to sign up for fat camp for adults. Grandma  asked me what if there was a place where I  Could go to focus on myself and get away from it all. When Chris first arrived he could barely walk. getting off the floor was almost impossible. Chris got out of breath just sitting in a chair. It wasn’t an easy road as Chris put it, it was hard I started the first week doing varied exercise for hours a day. My ability which at that point was almost nothing but the coaches pushed me as much as I could go . The schedule at fat camp is tough. Wake up at 700 , breakfast at 800, yoga then 2.5 hours of exercise anything form Spinning, group cardio, circuit training, sports, then lunch, group lecture then 2 hours exercise, snack and round up, 2 more hours of more exercise then dinner and then take home meal.  As you can see it’s a long day by don’t get scared the pace you and let you naturally evolve.  I was scared when I first arrive that it would be toomuch and I wouldn’t be able to keep up but its not like that at all. they push you at the right pace.

After I lost 205 pounds. Yes 205 pounds.I said to my girlfriend which I meet at fat camp that I don’t see a fat overweight guy. I see a young strong confident man. Trust me if I can do it you can do it as well. I believe that if someone truly wants it they will go out and get it no matter how hard or impossible the goal seems . I was catching a football and actually running. Me the former 482 pounder. Not anymore!

Watch my story let me no if you like it maybe it will help you

chris pushing it
Chris pushing it!!!


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