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Why Hire a Personal Trainer When Everything’s Online?

Personal Training - Live in fitness

Why Hire a Personal Trainer When Everything’s Online? As a an avid Instagram groupie, I’ve thoroughly explored the online, self-help weight-loss world, and what I discovered is that pretty much everything I need to successfully shed the pounds and keep them off is out there…workouts, classes, nutrition and diet advice, healthy cooking classes, the right […]

How To Survive Thanksgiving Dinner

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Live In Fitness – Thanksgiving Dinner Fitness Retreat How To Survive Thanksgiving Dinner All though we try not to admit it, we know that one of our favorite holidays each year is Thanksgiving Day. We also know that it is not for our family, but for the food! The unlimited array of meat, breads and desserts […]

5 Everyday Items To Help With Diet Portion Control

Diet Portion Control

5 Everyday Items For Diet Portion Control When it comes to making a healthy lifestyle change in your weight-loss journey, sometimes the biggest obstacle to success can be resolved with a few small changes. Yes, exercise is important; but we all know that weight-loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Diet, and specifically portion control, […]

6 Food Tricks That Set Back Your Weight-Loss Goal

6 Food Tricks That Set Back Your Weight-Loss Goal

Live In Fitness – Weight-Loss Goal 6 Food Tricks That Set Back Your Weight-Loss Goal Have you ever had that great plan where you commit to eating healthy, to the point of having all your meals prepped…even planning your diet before leaving the house for your favorite restaurant? Then bam! You find, without even being […]

How To Keep A Healthy Diet For The Super Busy

How To Keep A Healthy Diet For The Super Busy

  How To Maintain A Healthy Diet For The Super Busy  As we draw close to the end of the year, it seems as if we have little time for anything anymore. Christmas music is on the radio, New Year’s Eve holiday party planning has began, and it seems we never get time to break […]

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