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Live In Fitness Retreat – Transformation Thursday

Transformation Thursday  – Fitness Retreat

The easiest way to gain weight is by loosing track of your routine. School, work, family or friends can get us so busy that keeping up with a routine for your meals or workout can become impossible.  Tara wanted to get back into jogging.  She had struggled with weight in the past years and she came to L.I.F. to make a change and commit to a lifestyle change.  She enjoyed her improvements to her body so much that she is considering figure competitions.  She utilized all aspects of the program to customize her lifestyle change for her continued success.

Just as Tara did, Fred had a great success at L.I.F. he recovered his recovered his routines and gained strength and discipline to continue his improvements from home. The hardest part always seems to be the beginning, but your joy once you have started will always be greater. Weather you call it a fat camp or a fitness retreat it’s definitely a place where you’ll get results that can last forever. Live In Fitness is here to help and to provide you with all you can possibly need to reach your goal. Us the hashtag #liveinfitness and share your transformation or your best moments  or while excessing at home and you might get featured on our IG or the website!

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