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Client of The Week, Norma!

NORMA LOST 9.5 POUNDS IN JUST ONE WEEK NORMA LOST 9.5 POUNDS IN ONE WEEK! Congratulations on Client Of The Week Norma! Norma lost a total of 9.5lbs in fat mass and a 1.25lbs increase in lean mass within 1 week! HEAR ABOUT HER STORY BELOW Q: How did you come about Live-in-Fitness and first […]

Hiking Mount Everest at Lunch


Kilian Jornet’s Record-Breaking Everest Climb: Here’s How to Match His Feat It looks like your list of fitness goals just got one bigger, as a Spanish climber — Kilian Jornet — has set a new record for summiting Mt. Everest, by doing it in just 26 hours.     Jornet’s climb is the fastest known […]

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