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You Can’t Eat Whatever You Want

Fitness and wellness retreat

The best thing about being an adult is that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. If you want to order and devour the entire left side of the McDonald’s menu, you can do that. And though people might look at you in a funny or frightened way, nobody will stop you. When […]

We’ll Probably Make You Cry

We'll Probably Make You Cry - Live in fitness

[av_textblock size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=”] Crying is one of the most amazing things people do, because we do it for so many different reasons. A baby will cry for a reason as simple as he’s hungry. We never judge him, because if we were incapable of […]

We Are Total Geeks

We Are Total Geeks - Live in fitness

Live In Fitness – Geeks Long before the advent of most of our modern technologies, throngs of people would welcome from miles around and shell out a little money to see brave men and women dance dangerously with exotic animals. They’d be enthralled to see acrobats from far across the ocean swing from dizzying heights. […]

You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide - Live in fitness

You Can Run – Fitness Retreat You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide Fear is a powerful thing. It only takes a strange sound you hear while home alone to get your imagination running…and your heart running even faster. Fear can create vivid images in your head…scenarios involving an intruder with unthinkable intentions. You hold […]

You’ll Find Love at Live in Fitness

You'll Find Love at Live In Fitness

You’ll Find Love at Live in Fitness If you asked a hundred people the best place to find love at Live in Fitness, what do you think their answers would be? Some people would probably spout off some lazy, generic, top-of-mind response like “an online dating site” or “at a club.” Others would respond based […]

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