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Marcelle Beats Back 103+lbs

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Marcelle Beats-Back Fitness Retreat

Live In Fitness – Marcelle Beats-Back Fitness Retreat

“How do you sum up 9 months of blood, sweat and tears? If I could go back in time nine months and tell the old me what I’m like now, I never would have believed it. I was so sad, isolating myself, afraid to confront some serious and scary issues, and as a result I was eating and drinking myself into a place where I mistakingly thought I was safe and no one could see me. That was 113lbs ago! I have transformed into this amazing person, full of life, and vitality, the care of the therapist, amazing trainers, wonderful nutritionist and having the most amazing coach by my side every step of the way have been instrumental in this life saving change I’ve made. They’re family to me now. I have made life long friends here, healthy supportive and truly safe relationships. I’m surprised at the strength and courage that was buried under all that baggage, and weight. I have become so strong mentally and physically. The 9 months of showing up to the gym and doing the hard work despite my fears and insecurities, is something I am so proud of. Other people tell me I’m an inspirations to them! Me? The girl who locked herself away eating and drinking, feeling hopeless and now others are inspired by me! I’m going to say it again. I am really proud of myself and I’m extremely grateful. The combination of this supportive group of amazing people at Live in Fitness Enterprise, and my decision to show up for myself has saved my life.”     -Marcelle

Fitness Retreat


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Summer is Coming,  Get Ready!

Use these meals> they will taste great and get you lean!

Our secret recipe

25 years of success

Workouts to follow


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