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Kathleen Shed 166 Pounds at Live in Fitness

Hi Everyone,


Kathleen’s story stands out as one of our most inspiring and celebrated successes here at Live in Fitness. She not only shed an impressive 166lbs but also embraced a new role as a life coach, guiding others with her experience and newfound wisdom.


Kathleen’s transformation is a vivid example of the power of change. It reflects the heart of what we’ve been doing at Live in Fitness for over 25 years now: empowering transformations. It’s about more than just losing weight; it’s about finding a new way to live.


Feeling inspired? Think about what your own journey could look like. Whether you’re aiming to make big changes or find support in reaching your wellness goals, we’re here to help every step of the way.


Don’t wait to start your transformation, get in touch now! Let’s make your success story together!


Warm regards,


Eric Viskovicz

Founder, Live in Fitness Retreat

CALL US TODAY! (855) 521-7011

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