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How To Survive Weight Gain Season

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How To Survive Weight Gain Season

Why You Should Make Your Resolution Before New Year’s

We’re just getting into the holiday season, or as we like to call it, “Weight-Gain Season”…that time of year when we’re bombarded with dinners and parties, loaded with all kinds of delicious, fattening foods…not to mention the weather’s getting colder, the night’s are getting longer and the last thing we want to do is put down the comfort food, get off the couch and go work out.
Don’t panic and run to the fridge. Live in Fitness is here to help. We’ve helped thousands of people lose hundreds of thousands of pounds, and we can help you, too. And the best part, especially during the holiday season, is that WE NEVER TELL PEOPLE CAN’T EAT THE FOODS THEY LOVE. That includes all the holiday goodies that you’re going to face over the next eight weeks.
Take this step now, LIF Founder Eric Viskovicz video below will give you a jump start and we guarantee you’ll hit 2016 running (literally)…and you’ll be thin when you do it!


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Eric Viskovicz

Live In Fitness

We’re just getting into the holiday season, or as we like to call it


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