This video could GET YOU CUT and TONE THAT BUTT for SUMMER!

live in fitness – Gain Strength Or Lose Weight

We have an amazing challenge for you! 

We have an amazing challenge for you!
live in fitness

But take caution: doing this exercise 200 times a day may put you at risk of having a bikini bottom by June. See picture below.

If you’re a Squatting Veteran, Squatting Rookie, or have had any trouble shaping your butt or legs and really tightening up, FEAR NOT! This is the perfect video for you.

Squats are one of the most popular exercises in the world and one of the ones most frequently done incorrectly. Although squats are considered to be a leg exercise, it’s really a full body movement that works almost every muscle group in the body. So whether your goal is to gain strength or lose weight, squats are one of the fastest ways to get there.

If this is the first time you’ve squatted, you might be intimidated about starting a new exercise. Don’t sweat it! Or rather..DO SWEAT IT! BUCK UP! We’re here to WORK! We’ll walk you through every step and make sure you’re doing everything correctly and getting the most out of your exercise! If you’re up to the challenge, do this exercise constantly, every day, and you will see the results you crave!

Click video below!

Remember: There’s only so much you can do on your own! Our fitness retreat specializes in intense, effective, and accurate techniques like this to get your body to absolute peak condition. These videos are part of the aftercare system you receive after completing our program at Live In Fitness Camp. Take your health and fitness to the next level and join us at our facilities in Hilton Head or our new location in Los Angeles!

Live in Fitness! 

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Kathryn K. Lost Over 20 Pounds! Kathryn K. (KK), 75, a retired SICU/CV ICU nurse and quality coordinator, initially planned a two-week stay, but soon

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