Can You Really Lose Weight in 2 Weeks?

Lose Weight Steadily – In The First 2 Weeks

Six months ago, your high school friend asked you to be in her wedding. Three months ago, you tried on dresses and ordered a size that was quite snug because you KNEW you were going to lose enough weight for it to fit perfectly. Now the wedding is two weeks away. Can you really lose weight in 2 weeks? Is there any hope? Actually, yes there is.

Before we get into fast weight loss, let’s make this clear. For healthy weight loss at a rate that will stay off, you would have been better off starting at six months. Even three months would have allowed for significant weight loss, shaping, and toning. If you need to lose weight, call us and start now. You’ll be ready for anything.

With only 2 weeks to lose, you will have to dedicate yourself to a strict diet and exercise regimen. Recognize that a good portion of this weight will be excess water and may return if you don’t stick to some kind of program when the wedding is over. At Live in Fitness, we offer programs for everybody. No matter how much weight you need to lose or what your level of fitness may be, we can design a program for you.

That’s right. You cannot do this with diet alone. Exercise is a key part of this fast-fix plan. With exercise, you’ll feel energized and the endorphins will help keep you motivated. Talk to a coach here and we can work something out for accelerating your first 2 weeks and then moderating the program after the wedding is over.

Do NOT try a cabbage soup, watermelon, or lemon water diet. None of these will work. You may lose a few pounds, but you will deprive your body of necessary nutrition and probably pass out during the ceremony. Your best bet is to increase your leafy greens, eat a normal (playing card-sized) portion of protein at meals, and decrease fat and sugar significantly. Avoid adding salt to your food, when cooking AND when eating. Later, you can work with a nutritionist to come up with a personalized meal plan. For now, moderation is the key.

Hungry between meals? Try a handful of almonds. If you have trouble with portions, measure everything out beforehand so you don’t “accidentally” overeat, especially with nuts. Plain popcorn is healthy and gives you a satisfying crunch. Organic peanut butter spread on a half apple gives you more protein and the apple provides fiber and vitamin C.

If you stick to a strict diet and exercise plan, your dress will allow you to breathe at the wedding. You will lose weight in 2 weeks. After the ceremony, take a moment and reflect on how you have been able to work and achieve your goal. If you can handle two weeks, you’ve already begun to make healthy changes into healthy habits. Don’t fall back into that chip bag on the couch! Stick with us and begin a lifestyle that will lead to a longer, happier life. Don’t wait for another wedding for motivation!

You just want to lose weight in 2 weeks? There’s no deadline or event? Start a diet and exercise program and you will lose weight steadily – in the first 2 weeks and beyond.

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